About Us
Miss Anderson
Miss Anderson started her dancing career at Hilary Burrows School, Liverpool, before moving to Chester to become a Junior and Senior Associate with The Hammond School of Dance, where she performed in many shows on TV and various stage productions.
She started teaching at 19 years old and has
inspired children and young adults to dance
ballet with enthusiasm and love.
She is held in our hearts every time we dance and perform, we will remember her with love always .

Jennie Donnachie
Jennie Donnachie trained with Janis Anderson until 16 then moved to full time training at The Hammond School of Dance where she graduated in 2003.
She went on to perform both abroad and in the UK in many shows, professional pantomimes and touring companies.
She is an Associate in Ballet, Tap and Modern with the ISTD.
Jennie is teaching full time for JADance school and loves to pass on her passion for dance to inspire both young and old alike.